CDFI Creation & Certification Central!
Your Destination Awaits!
Take our Introduction to Community Development Finance workshop, a highly interactive experience. We go beyond covering the ‘fundamentals’ and then get to the bottom line: What does it mean to become a CDFI? Are we prepared to invest in what it takes to launch, fund, and manage a CDFI that is intended to make a measurable impact in the community? How do we integrate that with our current mission and business model? What is the difference between the culture and norms of a CDFI versus non-lending organization? Click here for more!
F|A will definitely assure your organization will meet the revised certification requirements. Our certification readiness assessment will determine eligibility based on the new application, and we then prepare a briefing detailing any modifications necessary to obtain certification. Once you “pass”, our team will prepare your CDFI Certification application! More details here!
Let F|A serve as your CDFI Compliance Officer. We create your compliance framework and guide you through the reporting requirements. Click here for more!
What is a CDFI?
Certification Application
Certification Explained!
And Now a Word From Our Clients!